Andrea Fletcher

Andrea Fletcher

Chief Digital Strategy Officer and Executive Director of the Digital Service

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Andrea Fletcher is the Chief Digital Strategy Officer (CDSO) at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). She is the first person to hold this role, and also serves as the Director of the Digital Service at CMS, an agency team of the United States Digital Service. At CMS she is responsible for digital transformation and modernization efforts, promoting interoperability and public access to health data, and recruiting the next generation of technical talent into federal service. Prior to taking on this new role, she served in the United States Digital Service as a product manager.

Before joining the federal government, Andrea spent most of her career traveling around the world. She has worked on digital health systems across more than 20 countries, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa. She has built mobile apps for healthcare workers, integrated biometric IDs into electronic health record systems, designed national-level interoperability layers, and deployed new disease surveillance systems making contributions to pandemic responses in Ebola, HIV, and COVID-19.

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