John Beresny

John Beresny

Director, Health Solutions Division


Mr. John Beresny serves as Noblis’ Health Solutions Division Director, where he contributes his diverse background in health and biomedical research data and technology to lead and grow its health portfolio. Mr. Beresny brings over twenty years of experience building and growing biomedical IT, healthcare systems, technology development, and management consulting businesses, serving both government and commercial healthcare clients.
Mr. Beresny’s passion is solving biomedical and healthcare industry-related challenges through building and deploying wide-ranging transformative technology. He has a record of leading multidisciplinary teams in technology, scientific, and medical domains. John’s diverse professional experience includes health care systems management, technology consulting, and the launch of new business ventures developing and marketing
bioinformatics and technology solutions for biomedical research, clinical research and clinical clients within industry and government.
Prior to recently joining Noblis, Mr. Beresny was Senior Vice President of Federal Business at Digital Infuzion, a market leader in transformational biomedical data and systems for the Federal government and biopharma clients. There he led tremendous growth, diversifying the client-base, adding numerous new agencies, and establishing a strategic growth model, forming new capability-based practice areas driving its current and future revenues. Prior to Digital Infuzion, John led a portfolio of health programs at ICF International and served as ICF’s principal health technology SME and strategist. Prior to these recent experiences Mr. Beresny co-founded BioFortis and led the initial product development efforts and market launch of their medical research data management platform that was ultimately acquired by IQVIA.
Mr. Beresny graduated from Cornell University with a B.S. in Molecular Biology and a minor in Applied Economics and Management. He received his M.B.A from University at Buffalo (State University of New York) School of Management, earning certifications in Healthcare Systems Management and Strategic Marketing Management. He is also a Project Management Professional (PMP) and Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems (CPHIMS).

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