Michael Stewart

Michael Stewart

Director, Disruptive Capabilities Office (DCO)

U.S. Department of the Navy

Mr. Michael Stewart currently serves as the Director of the Disruptive Capabilities Office (DCO). In this role, he is charged with rapidly solving operational problems, frequently through the use of near or emerging technology. Additionally, Mr. Stewart serves as Chairman of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Tri-Service Main Armaments Group and Chairman of the NATO Naval Armaments Group. Before serving in the DCO, Mr. Stewart was the Executive Director for the Navy’s Unmanned Task Force (UTF). There, he served as the Department of the Navy’s senior accountable official in identifying and accelerating the use of emerging unmanned capabilities to address operational concerns. Mr. Stewart was previously the Navy’s Deputy Director, Integrated Warfare (N9IB), charged with integrating warfare requirements and ensuring fielding within fiscal controls.

Additionally, from 2016- 2018, Mr. Stewart was the Director of Business Operations in the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy (Management). Mr. Stewart’s prior work includes serving as a Special Assistant and analyst in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Policy) during the 2006 Quadrennial Review. In this role, he coordinated a Deputy Secretary Defense study and supported direct taskings from the Secretary of Defense.

Then, in 2008, Mr. Stewart was a Business Development Manager for the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations in Iraq, working closely with Department of State and industry experts to revitalize the Iraqi economy in support of counterinsurgency efforts. Before coming to the Defense Department as a civilian, Mr. Stewart was a senior manager in venture capital and a member of an internal consulting team for The Boeing Company.

Mr. Stewart is a retired Navy Captain, having served in both the active and reserve Navy as a Naval Aviator, Flight Instructor, and Landing Signal Officer. In this capacity, he served as a Battle Watch Captain in the Navy Operations Center and deployed to the Persian Gulf, South America, and Somalia as
part of USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN’s Air Wing Eleven. A Secretary of the Navy-distinguished graduate of the United States Naval Academy, Mr. Stewart is also a graduate of the Naval War College, and he holds an MBA from Harvard Business School.

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