

William Lietzau

Director Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency

The Department of Defense named William (Bill) Lietzau the Director of the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA), effective March 30, 2020...

Robert Lightfoot

VP, Strategy and Business Development Lockheed Martin

Robert M. Lightfoot Jr. became NASA’s acting administrator effective Jan. 20, 2017. His permanent title is associate administrator for NASA, the agency's...

George Linares

CTO Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

George Linares is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). As CTO, George serves as one of the Agency's...

David Lindenbaum

GenAI Center of Excellence Lead Accenture Federal Services

David Lindenbaum is Head of Accenture Federal Services’ GenAI Center of Excellence where he helps federal agencies, including the Department of Defense, ...

Dr. Mark Linderman

Chief Scientist at the Information Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)

Dr. Mark Linderman, a member of the Scientific and Professional Cadre of Senior Executives, is the Chief Scientist, Information Directorate, Air Force Rese...

Christopher Ling

Chief Executive Officer Ericsson Federal Technologies Group

As Chief Executive Officer of Ericsson Federal Technologies Group (EFTG), an Ericsson company, Christopher Ling is focused on accelerating the digital tran...

Dana Linnet

President and Chief Executive Officer/CEO The Summit Group DC

Dana M. Linnet is President and CEO of The Summit Group DC, an independent advisory firm established in 2020 that serves Industry and U.S. Institutional In...

Matt Lira

Special Assistant to the President for Innovation Policy and Initiatives, Office of American Innovation The White House

Matt is currently at the White House Office of American Innovation, where he works to coordinate priority policy initiatives for the office. For the past d...

Greg Little

Deputy CDAO for Business Analytics U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)

In March of 2022, Mr. Gregory Little was appointed the Deputy Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (DCDAO) of the Business Analytics Directorat...

John London III

Chief, Warfighter Integration Cell Space Development Agency (SDA)

John R. London III is currently assigned to the Space Development Agency (SDA), Redstone Arsenal, AL as Chief of the Warfighter Integration Cell. Before t...

Kevin Long

Vice President, National Security Solutions Highlight Technologies

Kevin has over 15 years of Information Technology experience working for large and small companies across commercial and federal sectors. Today, he serves ...

LtCol Jack Long PhD

Acting Navy Chief AI Officer Office of Naval Research [ONR]

Dr. Jack Long is a Marine Reservist at the Office of Naval Research, where as an IMA he served as the Deputy to the Navy Chief AI Officer, Brett Vaughan, s...

Michael Loomis

General Manager Nokia

Mike Loomis is the General Manager for Nokia Federal Solutions LLC, leading Nokia’s engagements with and product investments to meet the needs of the US ...

Favio Lopez

Chief Operating Officer Trideum

Favio Lopez is the chief operating officer (COO) for Trideum Corporation. He brings over 20 years of leadership experience to this position having success...

CAPT (USN Ret) Bryan Lopez

Director of Emerging Technologies, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer U.S. Department of the Navy

Bryan Lopez is a former Navy Captain, who served in sea, shore, and air roles. Some of his previous assignments include Commanding Officer, Executive Offic...

Adrienne Lotto

Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Adrienne Lotto serves as the Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, a...

Christopher Lowman

Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Under Secretary U.S. Army

Christopher Lowman became the senior official performing the duties of Under Secretary of the Army on Jan. 20, 2021. The Under Secretary of the Army is the...

Frank Lozano

Program Executive Officer, Program Executive Office Missiles and Space U.S. Army

Brigadier General Frank J. Lozano is the Program Executive Officer (PEO), Missiles and Space, Redstone Arsenal, AL. He is responsible for the development, ...

David Luber

Executive Director United States Cyber Command

Mr. Luber is the Executive Director (ExDIR), United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). The ExDIR position represents the highest-ranking-civilian and third...

Mark Luncher

Vice President, Programs National Security and Space Sector SAIC

Mark Luncher is vice president of programs of SAIC’s National Security and Space Sector. Luncher joined SAIC in January 2019 as a part of SAIC’s acquis...

Kim Lynch

Executive Vice President, Government Defense and Intelligence Oracle Cloud

Kim Lynch is an accomplished business executive who has spent her career advancing national security tradecraft and building new programs for the intellige...

Shonnie Lyon

Director, Office of Biometric Identity Management U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Shonnie R. Lyon is the Director of the Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM) for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). OBIM is the lead entit...

Ardisson Lyons

Director for Science & Technology Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

Mr. Ardisson L. Lyons was appointed Director of the Science and Technology for the Defense Intelligence Agency on 24 August 2015. He served as the Deputy D...

Lisa MacDonald

Director, Identity Capabilities Management Division, Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM) U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Lisa MacDonald is the Director of the Identity Capabilities Management Division (ICMD) in the Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM), within the Ma...