Vincent DiFronzo
EVP, Air Force and Combatant Command
Vincent DiFronzo is a senior vice president of operations for SAIC’s programs supporting the U.S. Air Force, Combatant Commands, and Department of Defense agencies. He is responsible for leading over 2,300 employees and several hundred programs spanning C5ISR, information technology, training systems and research and development programs
DiFronzo joined SAIC in 2015 as a vice president, responsible for SAIC’s Air Force programs. He has more than 15 years of defense industry experience, in addition to previous experience in the Air Force, where he retired as a colonel in 2007.
In the Air Force, DiFronzo commanded the Air Force’s 505th Command and Control Wing, the 23rd Fighter Group, and the 58th Fighter Squadron. He was also the 19th Air Force vice commander, vice wing commander for the 455th Expeditionary Wing at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan, and director of AFCENT’s Air Operations Center Combat Operations Division during the first year of Operation Enduring Freedom following 9/11. DiFronzo also served two Pentagon tours working advanced program requirements and as an executive officer for the Deputy Chief of Staff for Air and Space Operations.
DiFronzo has 3,600 flying hours, including approximately 200 hours of combat time in the F-15C and A-10. He graduated from the Air Force Academy, the National War College, and Golden Gate University with an MBA.