Speaker News

Teresa Carlson Says AWS Working With Gov’t to Establish Cloud Implementation Standards

Teresa Carlson

Vice President

Amazon Web Services

Teresa Carlson Says AWS Working With Gov’t to Establish Cloud Implementation Standards

Teresa Carlson, vice president of worldwide public sector and industries at Amazon Web Services and a 2020 Wash100 winner, said the Washington-based cloud computing company is in talks with the government and private sector to meet the cloud adoption challenges, according to ExecutiveBiz, citing a Computer Weekly interview.

Carlson said the organization is working with policymakers and members of the highly-regulated industries to develop standards for cloud implementation, ExecutiveBiz reported

She added that an increase in customer innovation in the data and cloud technologies has been taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic and the uptrend will continue until 2021. 

Carlson, a past Potomac Officers Club event speaker, also noted that artificial intelligence and machine learning have played a significant role during the virus outbreak as organizations shift to data sharing from traditional operational models.

“What we’re trying to do now is just have a variety of [programs], not limit ourselves and make sure that we’re reaching out in every way and very much focused on diversity and equality, with tons of programming and accessibility,” she said. 

In a recent interview with the Washington Business Journal, Carlson said public-sector customers beefed up their adoption of cloud platforms amid the current health crisis.

She added that the circumstances meant customers need to establish the infrastructure needed to move their employees to telework, in addition to acquiring mission-critical services.

According to Carlson, AWS assisted nine federal agencies to scale new cloud services and work arrangements and allowed 14 state governments to establish call centers for handling the flood of unemployment insurance claims.

She also emphasized the company’s efforts to move various datasets to the cloud, develop a search website for coronavirus research, offer secure contact-tracing efforts and support distance learning initiatives.

Aside from AWS, companies such as Nvidia and Deloitte Consulting offer capabilities that set up remote work infrastructure, in addition to technologies that allow workplace safety protocols for the coronavirus.

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