
A Guide to Potomac Officers Club Membership

A Guide to Potomac Officers Club Membership

The government contracting industry is highly competitive, yet incredibly rewarding for the businesses and executives who operate within it. In order to truly succeed in the GovCon ecosystem, executives must stay abreast of constantly evolving technologies, policies, federal regulations and industry trends. 

With an array of industry-leading events, access to senior-level government officials, unparalleled media reach, elite networking opportunities and brand visibility support, the Potomac Officers Club offers the only comprehensive solution to your GovCon needs. 

What Is the Potomac Officers Club?

The Potomac Officers Club is the foremost membership and events organization in the GovCon sector. The organization was founded in 2002 by Executive Mosaic with a mission to weave an executive-level fabric across the GovCon industry to the benefit of its members and the community. 


Attendees network during a Potomac Officers Club summit event.
Attendees network during a Potomac Officers Club summit event.

Potomac Officers Club Events

Each year, the Potomac Officers Club hosts annually recurring events to keep its members updated on the latest trends in specific areas. Our summits bring together prominent government and industry leaders to share their insights on timely topics such as:

  • Defense R&D
  • Space
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Government CIO priorities
  • Cyber
  • U.S. Army
  • Air and Space Defense
  • U.S. Navy
  • Intelligence community
  • International partnerships
  • Homeland security
  • Healthcare
  • 5G 
  • And more!

Check out the Potomac Officers Club’s calendar of upcoming events to learn more and to register.


A full room of GovCon leaders at the Potomac Officers Club's 2024 Army Summit.
A full room of GovCon leaders at the Potomac Officers Club’s 2024 Army Summit.


Potomac Officers Club events feature more than 400 speakers per year from major government agencies and GovCon industry organizations. Speakers come to us from agencies like:

  • Department of Defense (DOD)
  • Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  • Office of the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer (CDAO)
  • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
  • Space Development Agency (SDA)
  • Department of the Army
  • Department of the Navy (DON)
  • Department of the Air Force (DAF)
  • And more

Who Attends Potomac Officers Club Events?

Potomac Officers Club events attract a high-level GovCon crowd composed of government decision makers, c-suite executives, industry leaders, subject matter experts and thought leaders. Here are some of our statistics:

  • On average, 180 companies attend each summit
  • 100 percent of attendees are director-level or higher
  • 20 percent of attendees are c-suite executives
  • 20 percent of attendees are VP-level executives

The Potomac Officers Club is an elite group of GovCon executives. In order to qualify for membership, candidates must:

  • Currently hold or have held at least a director-level position in their company.
  • Belong to a company that sells directly to the federal government.
  • Not be a service provider (accounting, banking, recruiting, real estate, public relations, business consulting, etc.).

Why Should I Become a Potomac Officers Club Member?

Becoming a Potomac Officers Club member unlocks a myriad of business opportunities, professional relationships and industry insights that you just can’t find anywhere else. You should consider becoming a member if you’re interested in tapping into the heart of the GovCon community, propelling your GovCon career to new heights, staying updated on the latest industry trends, expanding your network and succeeding in a very competitive industry.

Top 5 Benefits of Potomac Officers Club Membership

Professional Branding

Executive Mosaic, the Potomac Officers Club’s parent organization, has the largest media footprint in the GovCon sector. With an audience of more than 300,000 subscribers across its publications, email newsletters and social media platforms, Executive Mosaic has unparalleled reach and impact. 

Members have access to this valuable resource and can leverage EM’s media properties to nurture their own professional brands. Through exclusive Executive Spotlight interviews, Potomac Officers Club members have the opportunity to communicate their message to the GovCon industry, shine a spotlight on their company’s recent news and initiatives and strengthen their digital presence. 

Access to Government Decision Makers

The Potomac Officers Club books the most prominent government officials to speak at events. As participants at our events, these government leaders often share invaluable insights, speak one-on-one with event attendees and engage in question-and-answer sessions.

Here are just a few of the speakers who have participated in past Potomac Officers Club events:

  • Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence
  • Heidi Shyu, Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
  • Hon. Frank Kendall, Secretary of the Air Force
  • Hon. Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy
  • Stacey Dixon, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence
  • Lakshmi Raman, Director of AI for the CIA
  • Adele Merritt, Intelligence Community CIO
  • Leonel Garciga, CIO of the Army
  • VADM Frank Whitworth, Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
  • And so many more!
Army ASA(ALT)'s Young Bang engages with attendees at the Potomac Officers Club's 2024 Army Summit.
Army ASA(ALT)’s Young Bang engages with attendees at the Potomac Officers Club’s 2024 Army Summit.


Elite Networking Opportunities

Because all members and event attendees are director-level and above, the Potomac Officers Club offers the most elite networking opportunities available in the GovCon industry. You won’t find any service providers or “professional networkers” at any of our engagements. Instead, you’ll enjoy being surrounded by a highly accomplished, motivated crowd of executives working at the highest levels of their organizations.

Event Perks & Discounted Registration

Potomac Officers Club members can enjoy front row reserved seating at in-person events, free and unlimited access to all past virtual events, exclusive members-only communications and more! Plus, members get discounted — or even waived — event registration, depending on the level of membership they have. 

Exclusive GovCon Insights

Prior to each summit, we send out exclusive Know Before You Go research packets to members. This member benefit includes information on open contract opportunities, panel session topics and information, recent news related to the event topic, key players in the field, budget information and more. 

Become a Potomac Officer Club member today to unlock all of the above benefits!

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