POC – Fall 2021 5G Summit
In January 2021, Potomac Officers Club held the first iteration of its 5G Summit addressing strategic priorities of 5G wireless technology. The Fall 5G Summit serves as a companion to that and will expand upon the importance of 5G and highlight experts as they discuss the 5G journey and look to the future.
Since January, carriers have increased development of 5G networks, as manufacturers introduce more 5G-ready products to the market. The federal government is looking to expand its 5G exploration to create a new network of technologies that can be used to support critical missions.
As emerging technologies continue to become an integral part of business and innovation, leaders across all divisions must stay ahead of the curve to tackle national and global issues. Join Potomac Officers Club for its Fall 5G Summit to learn about the impact 5G integration has on the private and public sectors, as well as future programs, plans and priorities as the nation aligns with emerging technology.