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POC - Space: Innovations, Programs & Policies Summit

Summary | POC - Space: Innovations, Programs & Policies Summit | Potomac Officers Club


Join the Potomac Officers Club for the 2017 Space: Innovations, Programs, and Policies Summit to hear from industry leaders on the future of space warfare. A new Space Race is brewing and the United States is determined to retain its position as a dominant force in the space domain. Lawmakers and the Department of Defense are already looking to the future, with initiatives such as setting up the National Space Defense Center, debating the creation of a Space Corps operating under the Air Force, and creating a new position for a three-star general to serve as a space czar. 

Panel Discussion: Enabling policy, enabling technology and multi-domain operations—What must we do next to ensure we remain dominant in the space domain?


Wednesday, October 18, 2017
7:00am - 12:30pm
Eastern Time Zone


Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner
1700 Tysons Boulevard
McLean, VA 22182
(703) 226-7007



7:00am 8:00am Check-in/Networking Reception
8:00am 8:10am Welcome & Introductions
8:10am 9:00am Opening Keynote: Hon. Heather Wilson, SECAF and Principal DOD Space Advisor
9:00am 10:00am Panel: Enabling policy, enabling technology and multi-domain operationsu2014What must we do next to ensure we remain dominant in the space domain?
10:00am 10:20am Break
10:20am 11:00am Mid-Day Keynote: Robert Lightfoot, Acting Administrator of NASA
11:00am 11:40am Mid-Day Keynote: Maj Gen David Thompson, Vice Commander, Air Force Space Command
11:40am 12:25pm Closing Keynote: Dr. George Nield, Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation (AST) of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
12:25pm 12:30pm Closing Remarks
12:30pm 12:30pm Light Lunch
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